
Fake Wooden Slabs

Fake Wooden Slabs, also known as Alpha Slabs and Petrified Oak Slabs, are wooden slabs which were crafted before 1.3, when new wood slabs were added for all four of the wood types that were then in the game, whereas previously, all slabs crafted with wood would have the oak planks texture. Rather than all existing wooden slabs being converted into the new oak wood slabs, they remained in the game as a now-uncraftable item with strange properties. Whereas the new wood slabs were flammable, the old wooden slabs remained non-flammable, as they always had been. And because they were now considered a type of stone slab by the game (as the update grouped all the slabs into wood and stone categories, with only the new wood slabs being put into the wood category), they now required a pickaxe to efficiently break instead of an axe as before, and made the same noises when hit or walked on as stone-based blocks.

Like Alpha Leaves, fake wooden slabs appear in inventory and storage slots as a pink and black checkerboard, which is used by Minecraft to indicate a missing item texture. When held in a player’s or zombie’s hand, they appear as oversized boxes, the size of a placed block, in the hand, with the pink and black error texture on all sides. When placed, they look like normal oak slabs, but have the physical properties of stone slabs, meaning it is fire proof and has more blast resistance. When put into an item frame, the item frame displays a pink and black checkered cube that takes up almost the entire frame.

Fake wooden slabs are no longer craftable, but lots of them which were obtained before 1.3 can still be found, and as they have been duped a lot over the years, they are fairly common.

In the 1.13 update, they will be renamed from “wooden slab” to “petrified oak slab”, and their item texture will be fixed, but their stone-like properties will remain unchanged.Category:Items

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